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for a Better Tomorrow

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Get Personal Lender

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How Much Do You Need?

What Is Your Credit Score?

What Is This Loan For?

This helps lenders or lender-networks to understand the purpose of your loan request. Please select the option that best describes the reason for your loan.

Email Address

Provide the email address where you would like to receive our loan request confirmation

By checking this box, you agree to receive email from and affiliated brands that may be of interest to you.

Your Name

Entering your full legal name may increase your chances of approval.

Enter your full legan name for the person the loan will be given to.

Cell Phone Number

Why do we require this? Some lenders will quickly confirm your request by phone.

Your loan request may need final confimation by phone before funding

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Personal Loans Online

LoansRoyce online form is quick, secure, & hassle free. You can fill out our online form in just a matter of minutes from the privacy of your own home.

All Credit Types Considered

There are many advantages with LoansRoyce. You can fill out our Online Form with any level of credit rating, from no rating to excellent at LoansRoyce.

See Money in Your Account

Another incredible benefit is that your funds are deposited directly into your bank account and are accessible as quickly as the next business day!

Basic Loan Requirements

Must be at least 18 years old. Must be a U.S. citizen. Must be employed or receiving a steady income. Have a bank account with direct deposit is a plus.

Get Funds in Your Account

 How It Works

LoansRoyce realizes that financial problems come unexpected and always at a bad time. We believe that lending should be made easy, fast and not only rely on the individual's past history. We are here to help. The process starts with completing our Online Form. The Online Form must be completed accurately to make sure the funds are not sent to the wrong individual. Lenders use the information provided to verify your identity before sending you funds.

Fast, Easy & Secure Online Form.

 Disclosure Policy

APR information
This is information about the Annual Percentage Rate (APR). The APR defines the rate of interest a borrower pays over the course of a year. It describes the costs to the borrower in a yearly rate. LoansRoyce cannot promise a specific APR. Our lending partners set the APR on loans and repayment terms. Since we are not a lender ourselves, we do not have control over the terms of your agreement with the lender you may be connected with. Read the terms of your loan carefully before accepting and signing a loan contract.
Renewal Policy
Lenders have unique Renewal Policies. Some of them have automatically renew or "roll-over" Features. These conveniences often come at an additional fee. Please ask the lender you were connected with for their renewal policy. Again it is vital to read through the entire Loan Agreement and Disclosure to make sure you are comfortable with their terms before accepting the loan.
Late, Partial, or None Payments and Collections
Though each lender has to operate within the state laws that govern them, they have their respective approaches to handling late payments. A loan is an agreement between you and the lender to fully repay the loan by the time agreed. Depending on your agreement with your lender, if you are late for the agreed payment, a lender may add fees, send to a collections agency, report your late, partial or non payment to a consumer reporting agency. These policies change per lender, so please make sure to consult your lender to find their respective policies.
A Better Personal Money Solution


What is a Personal Loan and what can I use it for?
A personal loan is a way for an individual to receive up to $35,000 in funding. It is a loan that can be used for home enhancements, item purchases, vehicle repairs or bill payments. The length of the loan is called the term and can range all the way up to 60 months, depending on the lender. Our simple Online Form does not contain any long questions. Instead, it asks for your basic information and a location for where you would like the loan to be sent to. It is that easy!
Are there any fees?
LoansRoyce services will always be provided free of charge, but that is not to say that the lender will give you a loan for free. Your lender will charge you fees and/or interest and must provide you with full disclosure of their loan terms upon approval. It is then your responsibility to read through the terms before signing your loan agreement.
What is the highest loan amount I can receive.
$35,000. Though not all lenders are able to lend you $35,000.
How do you protect my privacy and personal information?
We take privacy seriously, and so we use industry-standard encryption on our website so that third parties cannot intercept your data. You can also take a look at our privacy policy for more details on this.
What if I'm late or skip a payment?
Lenders may be forgiving if you contact them directly, though some may automatically add a fee if it is in their agreement. Please contact the lender directly if you have an issue paying an installment.
How/when do I repay the loan?
Please check the loan agreement from your lender for specifics on this, as each loan may vary.